Steve Nace
Racing Promotions
Steve Nace Racing Promotions was formed in 1989. Since then we have promoted several disciplines of racing including AMA Flat Track & TT races, ATVA Extreme Dirt Track Series events, Mini Sprint races, Kart races, Quarter Midget races and Motocross events. Steve Nace, the company owner, has been involved in racing since 1969. Our company has passion about this sport and it shows in everything we do. Steve’s slogan is “Just good enough is Not good enough.” We strive for greatness. We are known for having great tracks and rider safety is always our number one concern. This company has received the AMA Track Racing Organizer of the Year 4 different times – 2005, 2011, 2012 and again in 2019. We were also nominated in 2014 and 2016 for the AMA Track Racing Organizer of the Year. We produce approximately 30 events each year with as many as 501 entries in one day. We have promoted the AMA Amateur Flat Track Grand Championships for 10 years playing host to the fastest amateur racers from across the country and abroad.
In 2010, Steve Nace Racing Promotions formed the AMA All Star National Flat Track Series. We are currently in our 13th season and the series has grown each year. The objective of the All Star Series is to bring a professional show to new fans and new venues across the nation. We have promoted events from Billings, Montana to Mesquite, Texas and from Daytona Beach, Florida to Frederick, Maryland and many locations in between. We offer classes for Experts, Pros and Amateurs at the All Star Series events.